"Well, ain't that a kick in the pants!?!"

Life has been referred to as a roller coaster, a journey, a mystery ... for me, it has been all of those things and more. Not because I've led this ubber interesting life or done amazing things but because I am trying, as hard as I can, to learn. And sometimes, learning something about life isn't easy. Sometimes, it hurts or it's arduous or it even sucks. But I'm thankful to draw breath and continue this trip called life, even if it gives me a kick in the butt at times....

Monday, April 2, 2012

Old, Flat Bicycle Tire

I haven’t done many blogs lately.  I guess I’m kind of a blog couch potato or a blog avoider.  I think about writing something and get excited about the prospect.  But then I get busy or distracted or lazy…  So here I am, trying it again.  Reminding myself that it’s not a product of perfection, it’s just some fun and words and my opinions and thoughts.  It ain’t gotta be nuttin’ special. 

So, I’m struggling lately with a bit of apathy.  I guess that’s the right term.  It looks like unhappiness to my husband and he’s all, “Are you okay? Are you mad at me?”  “No, dear, it’s not about you,” I tell him.  So what is it, I ask myself.  It feels a little like depression but I’m not sad and hopeless feeling.  I just feel flat.  I feel like an old bike tire; I look okay on the top, but when you scan to the ground, you see flatness.  That’s me, an old, flat bike tire.

I’ve tried to figure out what has brought me to this flat place.  There IS a lot going on in my life right now.  We’re working on some things so you’d think I would be excited and pumped up thinking about the approaching changes or additions.  I poke the future with a stick… nope, still flat. 

Maybe I’m overwhelmed with all that I have going on.  There are always pieces that are lying around that need fixed, completed and tied up.  I need to meet with my PTA committee to tie up our activity from earlier this winter.  I need to return those Chat N Chew books back to my daughter’s school library and check out some more or just email the coordinator and tell her that I’m done for the year.  I need to clean out my damn stinky car and wash off all the yellow dusty pollen.  I need to get my eyes checked and do about 16 loads of laundry.  I need to… eh… what the heck, it’ll be there tomorrow.  Did I mention that procrastination is a side effect of apathy?

I don’t really feel overwhelmed; usually that leads me to be anxious and irritable.  I just feel flat.  I’m not feeling my bubbly self.  I’m not excited, I’m not nervous; I’m not anxious or overwhelmed.  Like I said, old, flat bike tire. 

Then I start to think that there’s something pathologic about being a flat bike tire.  In the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger, “It’s not a tumor!”  Is there something wrong with me.  Nah, it’s just a phase.  I don’t have an impending mental illness or slow growing tumor pressing on the happy part of my brain. 

I’m experiencing normal feelings (or lack of) and it will pass like everything else.  The world won’t stop spinning, the laundry will stay in their piles until I get to them.   Right now, I just don’t care about much.  In a week, I’ll care more and then in three weeks I’ll be back on the hamster wheel trying to catch up, running in the rat race.  Those feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed will come back; I’ll feel more excited about our future.  I’ll worry about all the things I need to do, TODAY.  Until then, I guess I should just enjoy being a little apathetic.  I think I’ll just appreciate the old, flat bike tire another day.

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